So, it seems that I will be called the Wobbly Librarian for a while. Maybe forever. I can't seem to walk straight. Nope. Haven't been to work since I was ushered off campus by my husband and principal on the first day of school. I am sure that the
PTSA people thought that I was drunk. Sure looked like I was.
That was the day after I had ridden in the ambulance with Rachel to
RCH because I could not stand up straight and everything was tilting around me when I was trying to find the right color of sheets in Ross. Kept bumping into things. Felt like I was going to fall down and faint and needed to put my head in the shopping cart on top of a pillow and roll myself to the front of the store. CAT scan in the hospital showed everything okay.
Did not want to miss the fun of the first day of school, so I went.
Was in quite a state within half an hour of looking up and down and back and forth.
MRIs and
Audiograms. Good doctors talking to each other have hatched up what seems to be a plausible explanation.
Meniere's Disease. Yep. Seems to fit.
I'll go back to work when I've had 7 days with no vertigo episode. (I am dizzy/wobbly most of the time- that does not count, and can't hear most of what is going on from my left ear - that does not count---- it is just the "room is spinning past when I open my eyes so I need to be flat on my back or I'll fall down" sensation that counts. And it happened Sunday night, which put me back to begin again.
I am learning to wait. And to be still. I get tired. I've been sleeping quite a bit.
I also feel silly. At home I can grab the furniture and walls to steady myself when walking around. But when I go places, I need a shopping cart or strong man, or the "little old lady" walker. That is bugging me. It is a pride thing. I was not ready to be a little old lady yet. But I really do need it, because I sort of start flopping around without it. Oh, well. I'll just need to make sure that I don't wear blue hair with the top of support hose rolled up but showing. Or any of those other things that come to mind.