I've refrained from making this a diary or an update of my health....has led me to realize that some don't understand what is going on. I don't share this so you'll feel sorry, because I'm not in bad shape. It's just a nuisance. This might be interesting for some folks to understand why I am off work when it seems that I am looking so very fine. Last night, for example, I was at church and saw someone from my school site who mentioned that how great I was looking, would I be back soon? I'll provide some details about my day for those of you who are interested.... (nothing gross or too personal), but I want to put this down while still capable of typing straight. I'll probably need to come back for serious editing later, since this silly affliction wreaks temporary havoc with my thinking.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was a grand day. We will be having Rachel and some of her friends from college home Saturday evening for a home cooked meal and games. I'm looking forward to this, and trying to catch up a little on things around the house- and cleaned up one bathroom and the living room - even had Jacob around to help move furniture and do some heavy vacuuming and cobweb chasing. Not completely finished, but it looks so much better. Went to help with jr high (got there early since Jacob is working on a little video project which will be shown this weekend). Went to be early. I know that I was feeling great in terms of balance (was not using the walker) but my left ear felt very strange and I could not hear anything from it. There were more tinnitus sounds inside my head obscuring sounds that I could hear from my right side. When this is happening I usually just smile alot and do not participate in converstations - the constant need to ask for repeats drives me and those around me crazy :) .
This morning I dropped Jacob off and did some errands, picked Jacob up at lunch time and we visted my Dad in Magnolia convalescent. I mentioned to Jacob that I when I walk, the ground was shifting under me. He offered his arm for support, but things were not that bad. I was able to drive us home. By the time we go home and I walked to my bedroom, I was bumping into walls. Now I am on the couch. I can type one sentence at a time, then I need to close my eyes to rest them and refocus. When I open my eyes, the room spins for about a minute before settling down. I cannot walk - and if things progress as they have in the past, in a little while I will be in the middle of a full blown episode of vertigo. This means that the room constantly spins around me whether my eyes are open or closed. The last episode lasted from the time I woke up in the morning at 5:30 to when I went to sleep at 10:30 pm. Using the restroom is fun.... crawling if no one is around because I can't balance to walk, or if one of my big men is there, they half lean and carry me. Good thing my men are strong. Makes me sick to the stomach at times.
So that is why I can't be at work. Not safe at any speed. And takes a few days to get myself back in shape.
I spend the time listening to nice praise music or audio books and thanking God for the things he has blessed me with. The time to be with family and friends. Reflection time
That's all i can stand to type. It it now 2:25p.m We'll see how long this lasts.
1 comment:
Yes! I am so very sorry! I put them in the bag that I returned to Mike. It should be in Mike's office. So sorry about that. I forgot to get them out when I returned!
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