Glassbooth - it promises to connect you to the 2008 presidential candidate that represents your beliefs the best. The others are the Candidate Match Game from USA Today, Votehelp, and Minnesota Public Radio's Select-a-Candidate.
And I promise that this is as far into the arena of elections that I will venture. Elections are good. Thank you to the people who have come before us to allow us to vote. Like the stylish chicks above.
The photo is from the American Memories collection at the Library of Congress - one of my favorite sites to use at Gage. Sheet music, photos, paintings, newspapers, political cartoons, interactive activities- such a treasure trove!
Gotta love the 1913 photo of suffragists Mrs. Stanley McCormick and Mrs. Charles Parker. I think they should have switched hats. Especially since the photo was destined for the internet.
Suffragists Mrs. Stanley McCormick and Mrs. Charles Parker. 22 April 1913. George Grantham Bain Collection . American Memory. Lib. of Congress. 17 Jan. 2008.
Hello! Just checking in on your School Library Learning 2.0 progress. You may want to label your headings Week 1, Thing 1 and so on, with the topic so you and your CSLA peer cheerleaders can follow along. See also "weekly tips" section of
Best wishes.
- JackieS
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager
Am I a peer cheerleader? Nope, just a sister, much older. How many months was that, anyway?
I linked this post to my blog.
i love the women's suffrage movement! it was one of my favorite subjects in school-no joke!
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