Saturday, May 17, 2008

Library Heroes

Our PTSA is the best in the entire USA. Always there whenever we need a handy volunteer. Comes through for the staff with amazing things (have you ever heard of free lunches once a month for all staff members?- That is what our PTSA has been doing for us for 2 years now. Parents drop off home cooked items that fit whatever theme the Hospitality Chair has secretly declared..... and yum, yum).
That is just one example of how our PTSA is out-of-the ordinary.
We have had one mom spearhead a box-top fundraiser- did you know that schools get ten cents per label from tissue paper, cereal box, paper towels, and other items? PTSA provides candy to kids who bring the boxtops to the library, so we've had an ongoing stream of boxtops.

And this year the coffee (decaffeinated, of course- and totally donated by Starbucks, picked upin the morning by a PTSA parent already brewed in a huge 8 inch by 2 feet by 3 feet plastic insulated container, with cups and lids also doanted) /baked goods bar at the book fair alone raised over $3000 for the school. (That was just the coffee/snack bar... we are not even talking the book fair sales. And it was fun. Kids selling things, making signs, owning the place for four days. Excitement on campus. Fun in the library!

PTSA has supplied the rest of the funds for the rest of our new circulation desk (we have a nice one from the year our school opened- early 60's pre computer- one person. It is a challenge for the two of us to use... so we had been saving for a while. Thanks for the rest of the funding!)

The photo is our amazing PTSA president. Smiles and keeps on going!

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