Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Librarians who Geocache....

A fun activity that has taken me and my family on little adventures since 2003 is Geocaching: "The sport where You are the search engine". (Sounds like a perfect fit for the library profession, no?)

I discovered it by accident the year that I was pink-slipped from my position in the library and ended up teaching Earth Science to high school students at Poly High School in Riverside. Geocaching, and the connections with my students, the staff at poly, and my daughter (who swore that she was going to kill herself or me when she heard I would be on staff at "her" school) were some of the amazing "aren't we glad we showed up for life" things that came out of that year.

I know that Amber Clafin, LMT at Etiwanda School District, Geocaches with her family. Anyone else? I thought it might be fun to do an event other library folk......

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Geocaching sounds intriguing. In following your link, I see that there is a way to use your moble phone and the GPS feature.

What kinds of projects are used by geocaching librarians? Or, maybe the better question is, how can this fun sport be used to promote research skills and strong school libraries?

- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

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